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本厂自创办以来,秉持美学、功能与生活结合之理念,引进国外先进生产设备,每道工序一丝不苟,确保产品的质量。生产高品质、创名牌产品,是本企业一如既往的追求,“不断超越,永不停步”是我们的宗旨。我们以人体工程学业设计为主题,以艺术化为修饰,同时选择优质原料和进口釉料,并注重环保和节水功能,从而设计制作出一批批具有现代特色的优质产品。形与色是现代设计中两者不可缺一,由此我们藉色彩给予视觉及触觉营造一种怡人舒适的效果,让您繁忙的生活融入最和谐清新的感觉。 我们坚持以“保质量、创品牌、共奋斗、同富裕”为经营理念,热情欢迎海内外客商携手共进,努力实现共同富裕、共同发展、共存共荣的宏伟目标。 The factory has adhered to the principle of combination of aesthetics, functions and life since its foundation. It has imported advanced production equipment from abroad and is conscientious about every detail of every procedure in production to assure the quality of the products. It is the company pursuit as always to manufacture high-quality and reputation-earning products, and we always aim at the endless sur... [详细介绍]